Movies, Sports, and Life

Football is back

I'm a little late but 2008/09 NFL football season is upon us. Some opening thoughts...

  1. Redskins: I may be the biggest Redskins hater on the face of this Earth. I do not like the organization and I do not respect Dan Synder at all; however, I believe (and still do) that the Skins are a playoff team. Campbell's performance against the Giants-- 15 of 27 for 133 yards, 1 td-- was no better than rookie Joe Flacco (see below), and a total of 84 team rushing yards was not impressive at all. I must admit that the Redskins defense played alright. They held the Superbowl Champions to one TD and 3 FG. There's still hope for this team and do not write them off yet. Campbell is in his 4th offensive system and it takes time for a whole team to learn a new system. I've already heard some Skin's fan abandoning ship, however, I think it is too early for that. I still believe they will make the playoffs as a wild card in probably the toughest division in football.
  2. Ravens: Everyone seemed to be impressed with Joe Flacco's performance -- 15 of 29 for 129 yards, one rushing TD-- I was too. He kept his composure for his first NFL start and apparently the professional game wasn't too fast for him. I think he adjusted well from NCAA IA football to the NFL. Hopefully, in due time he will get better with his arm .

    Defense is back to their old self: dominating opposing offenses and forcing turn overs. They know how to step up the heat when they need to. And it showed last Sunday when they dominated the offensive heavy- Palmer, Johnson- Bengals.

    There's hope at the end of the tunnel for Ravens fans.
  3. Jets: I hate Brett Farve and his stupid off season drama. I lost total respect for him as a player on the field and off the field; however, his performance was solid last Sunday against the Dolphins. Let's see how long his luck runs by throwing the ball up for grabs when the pressure is on him.
  4. Jaguars: Despite the lost I still think they are going to win the Superbowl (see my earlier posting or here). The season is still very very early and remember when the Chargers went 0-3? Yeah, they ended up one game away from the Superbowl.


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