Movies, Sports, and Life

lil dunn's weekly attempt to break the cycle of ignorance

  • Interesting article about how shady online poker is. The Washington Post investigates a number of highly publicized cheating incidents where innocent players were cheated out of thousands of dollars. Read here.

  • Marie Arana's, He's Not Black, is a very truthful analysis of how America and the media have seemingly forgot that Obama is half-white. Here is a piece of Arana's opinion piece in the Washington Post:

    He is also half white.

    Unless the one-drop rule still applies, our president-elect is not black.

    We call him that -- he calls himself that -- because we use dated language and logic. After more than 300 years and much difficult history, we hew to the old racist rule: Part-black is all black. Fifty percent equals a hundred. There's no in-between.

    The rest of the article here

  • Arsenal is the third richest football organization according to Forbes. See the full list here.

  • Henry McDonald (the Guardian) investigates how Limerick, Ireland has become infested with murder and two warring gangs: Dundon-McCarthy faction versus the rival Keane-Collopy faction. Must

  • If you read my blog you know that I'm a huge zombie fan. Additionally, I'm a military fanatic too. I just found out that the new Call of Duty: World of War has a co-op zombie slaughter-mode. Sweet! See the article/video here.

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