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Boris Johnson (pictured), London's new mayor of one week, has enacted his first major policy: Ban alcohol consumption on the tube and buses starting June 1, 2008 :( :'(

I can't believe this. Today, marks a sad day not only in the history of London but in the history of the world. I was truly sad, shocked, mad, angry, frustrated, deeply disturbed, emotionally wounded, winded, filled with sorrow, and teary eyed when I read this article on the tube this evening.

British culture is founded and evolves around drinking beer, being loud, cursing, and well quite frankly being drunk. Now, when I have visitors from the States, it won't be as cool. There will be no new culture shock or the awl of being able to drink on the tube. They will never get to experience a proper pre-game to the club on the tube.

I though this was funny. According to the Guardian, tube officials have claimed that this new policy "could endanger transport staff." Hmmmm I don't really see the connection there but hey they are critics of the new policy so, therefore, I agree.


© 2008 lil dunn